Christian Entrepreneurs
We Guarantee You Lose 10-50lbs in 12 Weeks Using Our Faith-Based Approach
We'll help you implement the same strategy that we've used to help 700+ men lose 10-188lbs (and give you a full refund if you do everything we say and it doesn't work)
How it works
Book Your Assessment
Book your Fat Loss Assessment with our team of experts so we can determine how to help you lose 10lbs-30lbs of fat.
Join The Team
If our team determines that we can help you lose 10lbs-30lbs you will be offered the opportunity to join our fully immersive Default Kings program. Once your fees are paid you will be onboarded into our private app and community.
Start Your Journey
Get instant access to our Default Actions Framework, proven fat loss systems and your very own 1-on-1 success consultant.
What clients have to say
I tried to lose weight several times, but it would always come back... this completely changed my life
Zach Taylor
I'm in my best shape since college
Vinney Sottile
It's been a complete transformation... I look the best that I have ever looked
Nathan Dressler
I was feeling too ashamed to be myself in public... you helped me completely redefine myself
Martijn Van Gils
I'd been overweight my whole life... these guys helped me find a sustainable way to do this
Liam Gentile
It was amazing how quickly my body transformed... it was so simple to stay on track
Joel L
Flexible, easy to follow... you can't make it much easier than this
Jeff Shepherd
Every area of my life has improved... I've never been able to manage stress like I can now
Jack McNaughton
You told me I would lose 24lbs in 12 weeks and I couldn't believe it... then I lost 32lbs
Gavin Pike
More Clients' Progress

What Clients Say
Where Most People Go Wrong
Right now your biggest problem is being consistent.
You find yourself defaulting to unhealthy habits like overeating and skipping the gym. You know these Default Actions are unhealthy, but you do them anyway. That’s why Default Kings is not about fad dieting or unsustainable workouts. Instead, you’ll learn to build healthy Default Actions so you can finally be consistent.
Have you ever found yourself grabbing something crappy because you’re traveling and didn’t know what else to eat?
Or starting the gym for two weeks, only to give it up because you have no idea what you’re doing (and let’s face it - you can’t even tell if it’s working)? The Bible says that people will perish from lack of knowledge. That’s why at Default Kings we remove all the guesswork, while teaching you how we do it, so you can eventually coach yourself and sustain your results forever.
Proverbs 27:17 says “Iron sharpens iron, as one man sharpens another”. Ignoring this biblical principle is a recipe for mediocrity.
So, at Default Kings, you’ll be part of a team of other Christian entrepreneurs and professionals who want to honor God with their bodies, relationships, businesses and careers. You’ll also get direct consulting from Gabe and Joey and a dedicated client success specialist who will work with you 1-on-1 to answer your questions and hold you accountable on a day-to-day basis to ensure you progress as fast as possible.
You’ve had motivation before, it lasted a couple of days or weeks, but, eventually, for one reason or another, you threw in the towel.
That’s the problem with motivation - it’s temporary. Instead of relying on temporary motivation, at Default Kings we’ll show you have to build permanent Default Actions. This means you’ll be able to do what you know you need to do, even on the days when you don’t feel like it.
Look, we’re business owners too and we believe that health is supposed to enhance your business and family life, not take away from it.
We’ve worked with fathers of 5 or more, men who own multiple businesses, and guys who travel every single week. At Default Kings we give you a workout structure that fits around your work and family priorities. Every single program we design is totally custom-tailored and flexible enough for your unpredictable schedule.
About Us
Our names are Gabe Pluguez & Joey Yochheim. We’re the CEOs of Default Kings. We have a background in fat loss, kinesiology, physical therapy, powerlifting, sports performance, and personal training. Default Kings is our business but it’s also our God-given mission in life.
After watching both our Christian fathers lose control of their health while trying to run their businesses, we realized that no one teaches the biblical process for fixing the habits that lead to poor health.
We believe that the Bible is the ultimate authority on human behavior change and the blueprint for life. And unfortunately, we noticed that the fitness industry had been plagued with cookie-cutter programs, unsustainable fads, and mindset practices that totally ignored the greatest self-improvement blueprint of all time - the Bible.
We got sick of it and set out to help Christian entrepreneurs lose fat and build lean muscle sustainably by teaching them the biblical process to change their unhealthy Default Actions.
Entrepreneurs are the leaders of the modern world - and so if more Christian entrepreneurs had bodies that displayed discipline and drive, more people would follow them.
And if more people follow Christian entrepreneurs, more people will in turn follow Christ. People started to take notice of our faith-based approach and this resulted in 502+ men putting their trust in us to get them the results they wanted.
Is this only for Christians?
Is this only for Entrepreneurs?
What does it cost?
How is Default Kings different from a personal trainer or nutritionist?
What if I don't have access to a gym or time to go?
What if I have an injury?
I’m going to be busy and traveling during the next 12 weeks - can I still do this?
Do I need to block off time to cook?
My lady cooks all the meals for us - can I still do this?
What about my kids' unhealthy snack - do I have to throw those out?
I’ve invested in programs and coaches before and still gained the weight back.
My routine is about to change - is it still a good time to join Default Kings?
I eat and drink socially and with business associates, friends and family - do I need to cut that out?.
Is this only for men?
The next step is FREE
Let's talk about your fat loss goals
book your free Fat Loss Assessment👇